What Does A Digital Marketer Do

What Does A Digital Marketer Do

Over the years, the face of digital marketing has completely transformed. As internet usage grew globally, digital marketing strengthened and began to take over the conventional ways of marketing.

Following the immediate changes in internet behaviour and use, the digital technology department grew and took several sub-categories under its wings. To this date, digital marketing has become an individual niched industry that looks over a range of departments overlooked and managed by a digital marketer.

Now you must be thinking about what does a digital marketer do? So keep on reading, and you are about to find out.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the promotion of products and services to reach potential customers using the internet and other digital communication technologies.

Digital marketing agencies cater to businesses of all types and sizes to help them reach existing and prospective customers online with the help of digital marketing channels and tools using proven digital marketing strategies.

Why is Digital Marketing Important?

The strength of your digital presence qualifies you to grow brand awareness, reach potential customers, engage target audiences and drive growth for your business.

It has proven strategies that are highly efficient to target the potential audience across the globe. This cost-effective marketing connects a business with its customers when they are online.

Why is Digital Marketing Important?

A Digital Marketer manages and leverages different digital channels for businesses to reach potential audiences, build brand awareness, and promote their products and services. As the role of a digital marketer requires a unique combination of planning, creativity, and strategy, they wear many hats and perform many tasks at one time.

They plan, manage, and overlook various digital tools and media like websites, social media platforms, search engine optimization, email marketing, advertisements, and content pieces platforms.

It also includes the responsibility of measuring business analytics and using the weak or strong points to make other business decisions.

What Exactly Does a Digital Marketer Do?

Digital Marketers are responsible for all of the following jobs.

Search Engine Optimization

The strategy creation and implementation of these strategies to get higher rankings on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) organically. It’s is a long-term approach to establishing your brand. Higher rankings will result in more leads and eventually more sales.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing or SEM is another branch of digital marketing that entails the process of paid advertisements and pay-per-click to boost a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine ranking positions. Search Engine Marketing allows business adverts to appear on the top and attract an abundance of website traffic.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is leveraging content assets and marketing them to boost brand awareness, promotion, traffic growth, lead generation, and customer attraction campaigns. Content marketing takes the help of numerous channels, including videos, podcasts, blog posts, infographics, ebooks, and case studies for marketing.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a digital marketing model that aims to create content and experiences to allure, engage, delight, and convert customers at every individual stage of buyers’ journey. A successful inbound marketing campaign aims to increase reach, and drive quality traffic, engagement, and conversions.

Email Marketing

This is an effective form of direct and digital marketing that uses email to promote your products and services. It can help nurture relationships with your existing customers while keeping them informed about the updates and reaching prospective clients with a highly targeted and low-cost campaign. 

Public Relations

Public Relations, also known as PR or online PR, is the process of earning coverage amongst online audiences through digital blogs, publications, and other written-based content tools and websites. There is not much difference between traditional and online PR except for the platforms they are conducted on.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads

A direct approach, where you pay for ads and ensure that you will get more potential leads. Easy in concept, complicated in implementation. It’s more about understanding the essential mechanics of PPC and the best industry practices. PPC demands a careful approach to ensure your ads are only being placed where they’ll be most effective.

Analytics and Reporting

All of the above-mentioned strategies require an analysis to determine what worked and what has wasted our resources. It is now possible to get a highly detailed breakdown of where your digital traffic comes from, where it is going, how many keywords are ranking and attracting more clicks, and so on.

Collecting and using data is crucial in digital marketing as the information gathered by today’s businesses is a goldmine to be used in innovative ways to attract and retain customers.

Common Digital Marketing Positions

There are several career paths available for digital marketers. If you want to learn and explore the types of digital marketing jobs available in the market, there are many ways you can choose, including:

Are you interested in the world of digital marketing and seeking to make a career in this field? Here are some specific positions that play an essential role in the scope of digital marketing:

SEO Manager

An SEO manager is a professional who is responsible for creating and implementing SEO strategies within an organization. You will need to learn how the Google algorithm works, boost traffic, and drive sales by implementing the right strategy. An SEO manager leads a team and is responsible for designing and implementing the best SEO techniques.

Content Marketing Specialist

In this role, one creates and markets content from start to finish. Content marketing managers overlook everything from planning, designing, publishing, and optimizing content that promises high website traffic and Google rankings. You will need to come up with innovative ideas and bring them to life in the form of videos, podcasts, blogs, infographics, etc.

Social Media Manager

Social media management and marketing is an essential and prominent branch of digital marketing. A social media manager is responsible for creating & implementing social media strategies and monitoring how they respond. The brand’s voice interacts with customers, offers support, and organizes all the paid social campaigns to build followers.

Marketing Automation Coordinator

In this position, one is responsible for dealing with the after-effects and outcomes of a marketing, awareness, or promotional campaign. This is more of a technology-based and oriented role that includes discovering and using the best technological tools and software to help analyze, measure, and track customer response to a specific marketing strategy.

Digital Marketing Manager

The ultimate role of a digital marketer is a digital marketing manager. This position entails the functions of overlooking, developing, and managing marketing strategy and campaigns for all digital platforms. The job roles are to boost website traffic, enhance brand visibility on the internet, generate more leads, and stay ahead of modern marketing trends to reach more extensive and better audiences globally. You are also responsible for developing a marketing plan that includes a budget, goals, deadlines, and resource allocation.

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